a solo exhibition by Lilia Scheerder
Exhibiton 24 March to 30 April 2023
Thursday to Sunday from 1PM to 5PM
Opening event on Friday 24th of March 2023, 8PM with a performance at 8.30PM

Albert van Abbehuis
Bilderdijklaan 19
5611 NG Eindhoven,
the Netherlands

Lilia Scheerder is a printmaker, performance- and sound- artist, filmmaker, photographer, organizer and Drag King. Her work revolves around the analog, the black and white, the obsolete and the dark.

Scheerder is deeply inspired by silent film and analogue media, which runs like a thread through the various works. ‘Obsolete’ media are used in combination with modern applications, forming new images. Buildings and interiors play an important role. The ideas come from dreams and nightmares, which she often remembers in great detail. Nature, the inner self and the occult also have her interest. Natural structures, the organized chaos that holds the universe together. All these things are a breeding ground for her interdisciplinary work: Graphic art, drawings, installation, film, photography and performance.

The exhibition ‘Schimmenrijk’ shows recent work, made during the pandemic. A time of reflection.
During this time she felt more of a connection with nature, chimeras and phantoms than with fellow human beings. Being strange, not being able to settle in an unfamiliar human world, was emphasized more than ever in the work.

An exhibition about man, woman and child and everything in between.
About nature, dreams and cinematography. The earthly and the inner world.
About structures in nature and the aether that connects it.
About impressions that leave a shadow, an echo.

‘The shadows are following everywhere, projecting themselves on the silver screen in my mind.
They are echoes of those long gone, of the elusive and incomprehensible that lies between the firmament and the earth.

All techniques and applications are part of the same world, in which time is missing, absent. I place myself and the visitor in a ‘Schimmenrijk’, the shadowy realm between sleeping and waking. There are structures everywhere, made by man or nature. They come to me through dreams, books or endless walks through the countryside as my body plows through the mud. Everything I encounter is spirited, animated and radiates something that I want to convey. Structures proliferate in my head and need to be recorded.’

The exhibited works tell stories. The Water Bearer, who leads her follower to a new world, the child, lost in the forest, searching for meaning. The collapsing building with a secret behind every corner.

‘The shadows from my dreams dwell on my retina like black and white shadows from a distant past on the silver screen. That past is both endlessly distant and more tangible than the person standing next to me. The structures come to me from the outside, but they also live in me.’

As above, so below
As within, so without.

Website Albert van Abbehuis

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