I will be peforming as Dodevogeljongen at DARK CREATurE, Kaunas, Lithuania.
Partyperformance (lip-synch) by Antoine Panaché at DayDayGay.
Showtime at 21.30.
As part of the open performance academy
Exhibition and performances in the forest.
With the release of the new Barreuh publication “Struikgewas”.
As part of the open performance academy
Antoine Panaché will perform at this year’s edition of Katharsis in Hamburg, Germany, on board of the MS Stubnitz.
For more information about the event:
During the Dutch Design Week, Beeldenstorm/Daglicht proudly present the exhibition ‘Disobedient Bodies, the autonomous life of things #1’:
On the NRE-site we show banners designed by Tim Breukers, Hadassah Emmerich, Pierre Cops, Nacho Carbonell, Lorena Miguel, Lilia Scheerder, Ingrid Simons, Frans Franssen, Sarah Joy Zwarts, Marjolein Landman, Carlo Lorenzetti, André van de Wijdeven, Sigrid Calon, Jordi Rovers, Alice Schiavone en Mickey Yang.